Purposes of the Association

The Association’s basic purpose is to establish continued solidarity between all generations of our alumni: solidarity among the alumni themselves, between the alumni and the College’s current student body, and between the alumni and the College’s former staff and students.
Our most important goals are to preserve the values of friendship and leadership that were imparted to the alumni during the years of their training.
Additional goals are to cultivate a seamanship tradition and promote leadership by seamen by encouraging maritime education in Israel and increasing service in the navy and the merchant navy. Family members of alumni are also welcome to join the Association.
The Association has several honorary members including past and present Israeli naval commanders, past and present school principals, and other public figures.
The Association's committee members
Chairman — Captain (ret.) Michael Keisari, graduate of cohort 7Secretary — Commander (ret.) Reuven Wagner, graduate of cohort 9
Treasurer — Avi Hasson, graduate of cohort 32
Audit committee chairman — Mordechai Michaeli, graduate of cohort 12
The Association's activities:
- Supporting cadets with merit- or needs-based scholarships
- Supporting school projects (young entrepreneurs, FIRST, underwater robotics, meteorological station, vessel coverings and more)
- Sponsoring the memorialization of alumni, etc.
- Running memorial services for alumni who passed away during the year
- Guidance and consultation for class reunions
- Operating a sailing club for alumni (on Saturdays)
- Providing skipper courses: 12, 13, 11, 60, 30
- The “alumnus sponsors a cadet” program — an alumnus supports a cadet and assists them to succeed in school