Social Value Education

The social education program is a four-year program with three key areas of focus

  • Educating for command and leadership
  • Educating for values and life skills
  • Educating for a love of the sea


Educating for Command and Leadership


The first stage, “how to be led”, is established in department A and includes a variety of activities in and out of school to understand and internalize the importance of discipline and its significance, from appropriate forms of criticism and objection to attitudes towards officials and faculty members, through studying the cadet regulations.


The second stage is “the right to lead”, in which cadets of department B examine their values against the values of society as future commanders and go on educational trips and visits in the footsteps of fighters and leaders from the history of the settlement, the underground movements and the state.

Department C prepares students for command positions in the school’s cadet headquarters and in the cadet council. An emphasis is placed on leadership styles and the commander’s responsibilities. A highlight of the command education in this department is the officers’ course, which is held during the summer vacation and attended by a select group of cadets who are candidates for leadership positions in the fourth department. During the course, the cadets go on a night outing, participate in a leadership activity in Goren Park and the boathouse, deal with the dilemmas of a first cadet and learn how to prepare and organize a social activity.


Department D students participate in a series of activities aimed at preparation for military enlistment, discussing the IDF code of ethics and the meaning of a manifestly illegal order, and attend lectures by naval officers.


The Boarding School as an Educational Environment for Command and Leadership


Our school differs from other high schools not only in its naval focus, but also in command experience as a core education tool. The students study in a boarding school, where the program cultivates the character traits and behavior they will later require in leadership positions. From their first steps in the academy until the end of their studies, the cadets gain experience of filling chain of command positions at the boarding school, sailing lessons and maritime excursions.


The variety of command positions and duty shifts give the cadets many opportunities to experience command and leadership. Through theoretical studies and practical experience, they acquire not only effective management and organization techniques, but in particular, qualities such as setting a personal example, persistence, judgment, tolerance and empathy for others, teamwork, precision and rigor, and more.

Service Roles and Duty Shifts


An integral part of command education is the service roles and duty shifts, that the cadets perform from their first day at the academy until the hat toss at their graduation ceremony. The cleanliness of the dormitories, toilets, classrooms, clubs and yards is entirely in the hands of the cadets and is their responsibility. The duty cadets are appointed to their duties by the midshipman for a week, and perform them under the supervision of responsible cadets from older age groups.


Educating for Values and Life Skills


The values and life skills education program includes lectures and activities to prevent smoking, drug use and alcohol consumption, as well as activities on democracy, sex education, proper nutrition and safe driving. During the year, each department enjoys three days of experiential outdoor studies to the Galilee streams, which together with their annual trips to the Carmel, the Galilee and the Golan Heights, an Israel trip, and Eilat, bring the cadets closer together and deepen their knowledge and love for the Land of Israel.

An integral part of this program is strengthening the cadets’ Israeli and Jewish identity. A school activity on this topic is conducted in preparation for Israel’s high holidays and days of remembrance and includes, among other things, participation in the closing ceremony of the Holocaust Memorial Day at Kibbutz Lohamei HaGeta’ot, an evening of military songs, a Memorial Day ceremony and assembly for the school’s fallen, and a memorial ceremony for Kaf Gimel Yordei HaSira [The 23 Seamen]. The cadets take part in the Dakar flotilla, whose graduation ceremony is held at the school, which is an opportunity to hear lectures and topics about the submarine fleet.


The school also runs volunteer activities. In addition to participating in fundraising activities initiated by the Akko Municipality, the cadets are active in afternoon youth clubs, at Magen David Adom and in distributing food to the needy, all as part of their personal commitment program.



Educating for a Love of the Sea


The Nautical College of Akko instills a love of the sea not only in seamanship lessons and maritime excursions, but also in visits to ships, morning rowing, marine activity on active Saturdays, free sailing time, at the marine sports day, and in the challenging activity of the marine fitness certificate.


The cadet society is headed by the chair of the cadet council (a position equivalent to the president of the student council in a regular school), a 12th grade student, and their second, with a deputy there to cover duties where necessary. The chair is elected by the cadets for a term of one academic year. The role of the chair is to ensure the welfare of the cadets.


Leading the council and its committees is a weighty responsibility that requires the chair to develop abilities and skills that foster cooperation within the council and a shared desire to promote and develop social life at the school. The challenge in fulfilling the role of the chair is in working with the faculty and management to identify areas for improvement in the school. Maintaining a constant dialogue with the cadet council on the one hand, and with the faculty and management on the other hand, and balancing their needs and expectations, is a significant challenge.

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